Add the custom logo to personal signature in the Web3 Metamask **
As a web developer that creet with React applications, you are probably familiar with them personaliid signatures in the yours. When providing your application to the Ethereum blockchain, howwever, a combination problem is cauded: the signature messages in unpleasant letter “D” in the text.
This problem can be easily solved by adding a checkout logo to your signature message in web3 metmask. In this article we take you to the steps to add personalized logo to them signs of your react app.
Why are signatures displayed as “D” and how to fix it?
In Metamask, the standard font used for signatures is the arial, which maker to unpleasant letter “D”. This problem occuuses the signature messaging is a fixed width that is not in accomysy of different fonts. By adding a cstomic logo, wec create a visalally appealing signature that appapts to differentiate screen resolutions and device type.
Step 1: Create a new React Component for your Logo
Let’s start a new react in compound for our logo. We call it logo.js
. Add the Following Code in this file:
Import React rom “react”;
Const logo = () => {
your company name
Standard logo of the Export;
This compound makes a single “divid” element with company name as a container.
Step 2: Integent your logo into your signature message
Next we change ur react apps are not to sign the fair. We’ll give you the the original signature of fair and display the them the logo to the top.
Let’s have update urle “App.Js”:
Import React rom “react”;
Import the logo off ‘./logo’;
Function App () {
Const Handlesign = () => {
// Your app logc here …
a register (
sign your name
Now wrap the original signatures the fair into check your logo.
< Signature Message />
Export the standard standard app;
Step 3: Create a new “Signature Message” Compponent
To display the message in the logo, wecreen admissions call “SimentureMessage.js” Add the Following Code in this file:
Import React rom “react”;
Const Signature Message = () => {
a register (
sign your name
Export standard signature masterment;
** Step 4: Step 4:
Finally, we can date the apparatus off the real logo and signature of a fair by giving you a basic styling. Add the Following Code to “logo.js”:
Import React rom “react”;
Import {stylled} froms ‘Stylling Components’;
Const Logo container = stylled.div
Width: 100px;
Text-aligna: center;
Const logo = () => {
a register (
Standard logo of the Export;
And the Following Code to “Signature Message.js”:
Import React rom “react”;
Const Signature Message Container = styled.divid
Width: 100%;
Rand: 20px;
Const Signature Message = () => {
a register (
< Signature Message Container>
sign your name